The Octopusこと和泉雄彦(いずみたかひこ)は1987年生まれの宅録作家である。
今回リリースするアルバム『Octopus Tapes』とアンビエント作品『半夏生』は彼が2007年にギターと自作のアナログシンセ、ZOOMのMTRを使い1人で制作した作品だ。
その音楽はThe Velvet Undergroundを水色にしたように彩られ、Dinosaur Jr.のような倦怠感で、Deerhunterの双子のような横顔を持ち、King Krule(というよりもZoo Kid)にシンパシーする。
淡いサイケデリアを携えた『Octopus Tapes』の曲群は時代性が無く無邪気で、遊び相手のいない砂場で屈託無く笑っているようなピュアネスを宿している。
Takahiko Izumi, aka The Octopus, is a home recording artist born in 1987. The album “Octopus Tapes” and the ambient work “Hangeshou” were created by him alone in 2007 using a guitar, his own analog synths, and a ZOOM MTR. The music is a light blue version of The Velvet Underground, with the languor of Dinosaur Jr., the twin profile of Deerhunter, and empathize with King Krule (more like Zoo Kid). The songs on “Octopus Tapes”, with their pale psychedelia, are timeless, innocent, and pure, like laughing carefree in a sandbox with no one to play with. As proof of this, he says that despite his roots in classical music, he doesn’t know any guitar chords. “The good thing about electric guitars is that I can change the sound with pedalls” he says happily, and his taste is reflected in the sound texture that runs through both works, which is more pronounced in “Hangeshou”. In this 30-minute short trip, which is like a space walk that gradually returns to reality, everyone will experience a dreamlike summer and intense nostalgia. The title of the film is “Hangesho,” which means “the season of tasty octopus” in Japanese.
